Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day Four - The Rabbit Hole

Day 4 of the 90 Day Goal Challenge is wrapping up. I failed to keep up with things yesterday when I wasn't feeling well and never got my post for the day. Sorry for anyone following the status of this project. Yesterday was not overly productive and ended chaos.

Today, I felt much like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Things have been a dizzying array of frustrating tasks, few of which provided me with any personal satisfaction or momentum. I spent much of my day helping a grandparent to get her bills, taxes and other things in order. This didn't leave me much time to spend on my own goals. This said, there have been some organizational tasks dealt with today and I got a few of my own financial issues pointed in the right direction. I did not, however, bring home the bacon as they say. Relative to writing goals for the day, today so far has been an "epic fail" in the words of my 14 year old daughter.

Tomorrow I plan to stay on point and follow a list, which will include a fair sized grocery shopping trip. This is a time consuming process and will take a good part of the day because I intend to do so as an avid couponer, but it will be well worth the effort and will layout the foundation for getting more done. Multiple trips to the grocery can be taxing and expensive.

So, in summary, I feel as though the day has gotten away from me and I am going to work hard to turn the remainder of the week around. Wish me luck and stay tuned.

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